• Pilates Instructor Training Course-Applicat...

    [Pilates Instructor Training Course-Application-Information] The 3rd training course-basic edition-starting from the end of February is about to end Th...
  • You don't have to press it by hand! !!

    [Foot-operated disinfectant, introduction ❗ ❗] Hello everyone. It is 121 FITNESS. Introduced a foot-operated hand sanitizer at Kameari Main Store ...
  • Training with children

    Last year, a customer who went to a postpartum diet I came to training for the first time in a year ♪ Training with children is also possible in o...
  • Healthy child project

    I love children! Meeting where new people gather I participated in the “Health Children Project Kickoff Event”. The participants are doing various acti...
  • Nutrition seminar

    A nutrition seminar for personal trainers was held at our store, sponsored by Shiitake Clinic . [Nutrition that personal trainers must know] Lectu...
  • Group training

    Diet for summer production! Such customers are increasing at 121 FITNESS. Training on season! By the way, from May in this year, all members ...
  • To the stage of the dream!

    Toward the 2020 Tokyo Olympics 121 FITNESS trainer Yuri Mimura has been selected as a strengthening staff in Tokyo Olympic swimming competition! In the...
  • ロゴ

    Summer training season is coming!

    The hot and humid season has come! At 121 FITNESS Kameari, there are more and more people starting new training. In addition to one-on-one personal tra...
  • ロゴ

    It is fitness of Kameari. Would you like to...

    It is fitness of Kameari. Would you like to diet for summer? We look forward to hearing from you!